XIME, a Bengaluru-based management and entrepreneurship institute with a 25 year legacy, wanted an integrated communications campaign to showcase its National Business Plan Competition 2019 and XIME National Seminar 2019 – Make in India: Making it Work! and thereby enhance its brand image among academicians, industry leaders, corporates, budding entrepreneurs, potential MBA students and the media fraternity.
Perez adopted PR, Media & influencer outreach and digital tools during both contest and National conference to reach larger audience. Pre-event announcement, event-listings, Interviews with Chief Guests & Chairman, media presence at the event and post-event press organized along with strategic digital intervention. The national-level seminar and business competition helped to create a platform and brand presence to invite more students, consultants and academicians to be part of XIME.
Generated more than 100 pieces of coverage across national mainline, financial & regional dailies along with great traction on digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube and Twitter.